Looking for that special hand-made gift? Email us to discuss a special request!
Looking for that special hand-made gift? Email us to discuss a special request!
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Meat from a typical half hog
(from a 250 – 270 lb. live animal)
consists of approximately:
-40 Pork Chops (1/2” thick)
-2 Shoulder Roast (4lb)
-12 Shoulder Steaks (1/2” thick)
-1 Ham (15-18lb; can be cut smaller)
-1 Rack Spare Ribs (2lb) (can be trimmed)
-2 Hocks (can be smoked/trimmed)
-8 to 10lb Belly (can be bacon or side pork)
-6 to 10 lb ground pork/or ground sausage.
Specialty meats, if desired, such as liver, heart, tongue, jowls/whole head as well as fat/lard.
Meat from a typical whole hog
(from a 250 – 270 lb. live animal)
consists of approximately:
-80 Pork Chops (1/2” thick)
-4 Shoulder Roast (4lb)
-20 to 24 Shoulder Steaks (1/2” thick)
-2 Ham (15-18lb; can be cut smaller)
-2 Rack Spare Ribs (2lb) (can be trimmed)
-4 Hocks (can be smoked/trimmed)
-16 to 20 lb Belly (can be bacon or side pork)
-12 to 20 lb ground pork/or ground sausage.
Specialty meats, if desired, such as liver, heart, tongue, jowls/whole head as well as fat/lard.
Our Pigs are measured LIVE WEIGHT by using the following accepted calculation:
Length inches x Girth inches x Girth inches / 400 = Weight Live Pig
An example of one of our pigs would be as follows:
50 inch Length x 49 inch Girth x 49 inch Girth / 400 = 300 pound LIVE weight Pig
Due to regulatory bodies within NYS our farm sells the pig LIVE to the customer.
From that point, we are able and willing to transport your livestock to our partner butcher at no cost to the customer. All butcher fees are between the purchaser and the butcher.
*** If you choose to purchase our pig and have it processed at a butcher with whom our farm is not affiliated, please call to discuss the options for pickup dates, butcher date contracts, and possible transportation costs based on the location of your preferred butcher. We are happy to accommodate your butcher requests and preferences.
Once your pig is delivered to the butcher, a separate weight, referred to as HANG WEIGHT, is used to calculate the cost of butchering.
"Hang weight" refers to the pig after a scald/scrape, insides of the pig removed ,and the head remaining on.
For a LIVE WEIGHT pig in the example above weighing 300 pounds, the following calculations can be used to estimate the weight of the pork you can take home from the butcher.
The hang weight is generally 72% of the pig’s live weight. Using the below calculation, one can estimate the amount of pork in the pig.
***Please note that the butcher uses a scale and that this calculation is only an estimate for the benefit of the purchaser.
Pounds Live weight x 72% = Hang weight
300 pound live weight pig x 0.72 = 216 pounds of meat
Commercial Cuts
Commercial cuts are the cuts that one would receive from the butcher in a regular grocery store setting. This calculation does not include oddments or specialty items such as ears, head, jowls, hocks, leaf lard, liver, and heart. (Our affiliate butcher will provide all of these cuts to you at your request which will increase the overall commercial weight of meat you receive.)
If you choose not to receive the oddments/specialty cuts in your butcher box, it is feasible to use the following calculation to estimate the amount of meat you will receive from the butcher. Please keep in mind that your choice to have boneless cuts and any smoked items will shrink your pig's total weight for commercial cuts.
Pound Hang weight x 67% = Commercial Weight
216 pound hang weight pig x 0.67 = 145 pounds of meat rendered from a 300 pound live pig.
If a customer chooses to purchase a WHOLE pig on one purchase ticket we are offering a 10% discount on the cost per live weight pound.
The option to go in "whole-hog" with a friend or family member to purchase a pig in its entirety can save you 45¢ per pound.
The piglets for this years' run were born on April 1st and their momma wasnt joking! Twelve piglets in the litter and they are all lively and doing well.
We receive the piglets to our farm at 6 weeks old and cant wait to meet them!
Pork is also used in many other meat products and processed meats.
Pork contains no carbohydrates, unless it is prepared with breading, barbecue sauce, or some other sugar or starch.
As an animal product, pork contains both saturated and unsaturated fats. If you are trying to limit your saturated fat consumption (as recommended by the American Heart Association), look for cuts of pork that include the word "loin," as in pork loin or pork tenderloin.
Pork, depending on the cut, is often an excellent source of lean protein.
Pork is an excellent source of thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and phosphorus. It is a good source of zinc and potassium.
Site Source: https://www.verywellfit.com/pork-nutrition-facts-calories-and-health-benefits-4111298